! version = 2.0 + hello - hello, what is your name? + hi - hi, what is your name? + my name is * - nice to meet you - nice meeting you + thank you - you are welcome - welcome - no problem - no worries + * - Sorry did not get what you said - I am afraid that i can not understand you - I did not get it - Sorry can you please elaborate that for me + *ceo * quickbase - Rick Willett is CEO of Quick Base and serves as chairman of the company's board of directors. ^ + make me a sandwich - ham, turkey or veggie? + what time is it - the time is: whattime > object whattime javascript return new Date(); < object + how many pasties - there are numpasties pasties > object numpasties javascript var dbidPasties = "bgcwm2m4g"; var apptoken = "d4vzqatccbhzxdkmhhp3cs4jhe4"; return new rs.Promise(function(resolve, reject) { fetch(`${dbidPasties}?act=API_DoQueryCount&qid=1&apptoken=${apptoken}`) .then(r => r.text()) .then(res => { var parser = new DOMParser(); var xml = parser.parseFromString( res, "text/xml" ); var numMatches = xml.querySelector("numMatches").textContent; resolve(numMatches); }) }); < object